- Web Programming Technologies and Services: PHP(OOP, MVC), JavaScript(OOP), Ajax, xml, (x) HTML, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, restFul API, NoSQL(CouchDB).
- Framework: CakePHP(version 1, 2, 3, 4 ), Yii, CodeIgniter, etc.
- CMS, E-commerce & E-learning: WordPress(ACF: Advanced Custom Fields), Joomla, Mambo, ZenCart, OsCommerce, Opencart, Croogo, Drupal, Moodle etc.
- Database Technologies: SQL, MySQL(Advance level mysql function, Store Procedure, Views etc), Oracle Apex, CouchDB, etc.
- Javascript Framework: Jquery, ReactJs, AngularJS, JS ES6, Prototype, Mootools etc.
- Web Service/API/Server/Command: AWS, restFul API, CURL, SOAP, Control panel, Vi Command etc.
- SEO: Very good knowledge in Search Engine optimizations.
- Mobile Apps development: iPhone (Objective C) Android(Very Basic), Titanium(Titanium Certified Developer).
- Research & Data Mining tools: Python, Weka, R, Keel, Latex, Bibtex, Hadoop
- OS/SERVER: Mac OSX, Windows (all versions), Linux
- Soft Skills: Communication skills, Leadership skills, Team working skills, Problem solving skills, Time management skills.
- Tools: Xcode, Netbeans, Android Studio, Zend Studio, PHP GTK, TortoiseSVN, Sourcetree, Visual Web Developer 2008, Macromedia Flash, Dream Weaver, Adobe Photoshop, SQLyog, Microsoft Office.
- Hardware Engineering: Sound Knowledge on hardware maintenance and Networking.
Project Management Skills: Experience to work with Agile Scrum, Function Point, Work Breakdown Structure. Team Building and Managing Team including Coaching & Facilitation, Team organizing, Assist the team, executing and monitoring several technical Projects and be an active team-member. Requirements Analysis, estimate project cost